One of many (hopefully)

I often time joke about how I don't use my degree that I spent thousands upon thousands on but it does have its benefits looking back on it... I can thank Central for a couple of things: 1) playing on a winning football team with a great group of guys, and 2) it showed me what I had a passion for. I fell in love with writing during my time in Pella and I haven't quite found the right avenue to take with it so I thought I would start with a blog and see where it goes from here. This isn't going to be a everyday thing, in fact it probably be a once a week thing and if I am feeling really ambitious it might be more than that. It will involve all the touchy subjects such as: religion, politics, and society but it will also involve more light-hearted sujects like sports, relationships and work. I hope that you all enjoy reading this, the few of you that will :) and I am ok with that. And I should also through out this disclaimer, there may some swearing but only because I think it helps to get my point across and also this will serve as a place to get certain things off my chest.

The first thing I would like to talk about is work. Now, I am not going to sit here and tell you that my job sucks, because most do at times, and I am not going to tell ya that my boss is a jerk, because most can be at times. Most of you know what I do but some of you may not so for those of you who don't, I work as a full time farmhand on my uncle's farm. I am not telling most of you something you don't already know but this winter has sucked and it took quite a toll on the cattle. Some of the symptoms were not so apparrent but the weather over the last couple of years has taken its toll on the cattle and their offspring by making them extremely weak at birth with poor immune systems. The natural occuring vitamins that the cattle should be getting from their diet is just not there (due to no nutrients in hay, silage, and even corn because of the wet conditions) and it is causing havoc during calving season. At first, this was very frustrating because you feel like you could be doing something more to help them. Then you go through a mini-depression because you start to feel helpless. Finally, there is hope and really thats all there ever is. We have started giving shots to the calves in the hopes we can make up what they are lacking in the first few days of birth and this seems to some positive results. At first I thought I could just brush off these feelings of loss but it was tough. When we thought there was nothing else we could do we found a little glimmer of hope and thats what pulls us through. Now I know I am talking about cows and most of you probably think I am looney but think about it for a second, in life all we have is hope. We hope that our loved ones are safe, we hope that our house is safe haven, and some hope for heaven. Also in life we have these stages I was talking about. First there is frustration then comes a little bit of depression but as long as there is actions to still be taken we can hope for things to turn out better, more often than not, they do.

Quote of the day, "You can pretend like it doesn't bother ya, but it should or else you shouldn't be doing it." Never thought I would say it but thanks Brad, that really helped.

Well I hope most of ya enjoyed this... and if ya didn't nobody is making ya read the next one!



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